Career Searching

Do you know what you may want to do for a living? If you do, great! If not, that’s okay too! Here are some websites to help you begin your career search.

Living Wage Calculator

A living wage calculator gives an estimate of the cost of living within a specific community or region based on typical expenses. This will help you know the minimum amount you should be making to meet the minimum standard for living.

Living wage Institute

Interest Assessments

This tool measures your interests and will help you identify your related strength and how they can translate to careers you may want to explore.

O Net Online

Job/Training Search

My Next Move and Career One Stop are great tools to learn about and research different careers. You can also use these sites to look for training and for job opportunities!

MY next move
Career Onestop

Technical / Trade / Apprenticeship Training

Technical School

“Learning + doing”

Technical schools are postsecondary institutions that prepare you for a particular job, with a larger classroom component. Ex: information technology, medical technology

Trade School

“Learning by doing”

Trade schools are postsecondary institutions that train students for specific hands-on and highly skilled jobs. Ex: electrician, carpenter, auto technician.

Below are a list of schools to check out!

Pennsylvania College of Technology
Central Pennsylvania institute of science and technology
Williamson College of the Trades


“Learning while doing”

Apprenticeships combine classroom instruction with on-the-job training and a paycheck. You will train and work with real-life professionals in the field!

Job Corps

Job Corps is a great way to begin career training! They are the nation’s largest, residential career training and education program for low-income young adults 16-24. They have ten (10) industries to pick from and so many more careers to explore!

They also provide you free housing, nutritious meals, basic medical care and a living allowance!

Job Corps


Job Corps students
-are 16-24
-are low-income individuals
-meet citizenship, residency, DACA or other approved status requirements
-meet background requirements
-are ready and motivated to succeed